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Incentive Voting

Easy to use API to reward your players for voting.


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Top of MMOs API system

Hello and Welcome to The Top Of MMOs API system where you can easily gift your players for voting for you.


1- https://topofmmos.com/api?key={API_KEY}&ip={PLAYER_IP}&srvid={YourServerID}

2- https://topofmmos.com/api?key={API_KEY}&return={GENERATED_TOKEN}&srvid={YourServerID}

3- https://topofmmos.com/api?key={API_KEY}&TokenID={TOKEN}&srvid={YourServerID}


1- Generate a random Token String.

2- Send your player to the following link: https://topofmmos.com/site/{SERVER_ID}/{GENERATED_TOKEN}.

3- You can check if the player has voted for your server by sending a GET Request to https://topofmmos.com/api?key={API_KEY}&TokenID={GENERATED_TOKEN}&srvid={SERVER_ID}. This will return to you the server id that the player has voted for.

Basic API Script:

Steps to follow:

1- You can choose a redirection link for your server after your players vote for you (Where the script below should be executed) Under Account->My Sites, choose your server and click on edit.

2- Generate your API Key at Settings->API Settings->Generate API Key.

3- At your game's Vote/Reward page, paste the script down below.

4- Modify "YOUR-API-KEY" part with the key that you have generated earlier.

5- Modify $ServerID = 0 part with your server ID that can be found under Account->My Sites, choose your server and click on edit.

6- Your check is ready and you can give the player his reward under the //Give reward part.

Example: Ready to use KalOnline PHP Vote & Rewards script:

 Can easily be modified to be used in other MMORPGs as well!


Vote points today: 27
Language: English   
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